Saturday, July 08, 2023

Hip silver

After all the angst and burdening you with my angst ... the accountant meeting went okay. It is nice to have something go "okay" and not end up a sh*t show. I had all ready paid IRS when he filed extension about the same as we paid last year. So I think I am getting a refund? Maybe I will have them hang on the remainder for next year.  

Do Tell! Real Women — From 40 to 90 — Let Us in on Their One Major Style Tip! ... mine: sweatpants

Debra Rapoport, artist and Advanced Style fashionista. Her Instagram.


Newly retired giving YouTube a shot, The New Retired Me 



 this is sad ... I googled "hip older people" and only get HIP FRACTURE links. 

Will You Become Invisible As You Age?


So this is a real thing? And now I remember, I was in my 50's when I started feeling this. 

The situation you describe has been referred to as the Invisible Woman Syndrome. A survey by Gransnet found 70 percent of women in their study believe they will become invisible as they get older, feeling “unseen, overlooked, and patronized.” And that starts at age 52. Furthermore, two-thirds report that with age, women tend to be less visible than men drawing attention to society’s value on youth and beauty.

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