Friday, June 23, 2023

Botanical study

I have a very busy weekend coming up. The thought of leaving my house and driving at night, all make me very nervous. 

I loved Sex and The City so many years ago. So I clicked on the newest edition, And Just Like That ... and I am not sure I can get through the first two episodes. What changed? I do not know. It just feels so forced and fake. I will soldier on.

I hate when cold grape jelly clumps on my warm, buttered English muffin!

A long time ago my step-mother said my life line looked like I would die in my late 60's. So that scared me. I haven't really thought about it for a long time but it popped into my head this morning. There is a double line (fate line) that continues much further down after the main one fades off. I thought that meant something and now I think it is the death of David and the other line is continuing to survive. Just a thought.

The beautiful constraint and symmetry of Mary O'Malley. Her Instagram and Pinterest. Her art is very soothing for me!


  1. Loving the posted artwork today!!

  2. Don't know much about lifelines so I can't help you but I do know the memories of fondly missed cold jelly on ANYTHING.

  3. Thank you!!!! I so lover her work, make me want to crack open Adobe Illustrator! ;)


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