Thursday, May 25, 2023



  1. Can you believe —- actually BELIEVE that we are living in and talking about the USA???? 2023?? How absolutely disgusting and frustrating to have to hear this trash that’s taking place in our country. All across and South to North, our country???? Where and when will all of this right itself? That girl has such power and talent—-and those in charge, and that want to be in charge, of even our very thoughts are scared to death of anyone with even a modicum of intelligence and/or compassion. BTW, I’ve been having health issues and hence not around on here. Was quite literally blind-sided by having to have a triple (possibly a quad) heart bypass this coming Wednesday (the 31st). Won’t be around for quite some time, unfortunately. May you be well and content, my friend.

  2. I was thinking how fall we have fallen! And I, like you, am shocked and disgusted. HOW can we, as Americans, stand for such foolishness!!!
    I sent you email. Will be thinking of you constantly.


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