Monday, May 01, 2023

My date rape experience

I am watching Deadline White House with Nicolle Wallace about the rape allegations of E Jean Carrol against trump trial. Trump can't even be bothered to show up, while she is getting grilled by trump's lawyer. 

So like many of you (I am sure) my first sexual experience WAS RAPE. And as many women (girls), I thought, I should not have been in "that" situation to let that happen and just lived with it. I did not share that with anyone, not even my friends. 

My best friend in High School was a guy named Barry, and the next day, the boyfriend (rapist) first phone call was to my best friend, Barry, telling him what he had done. Barry pulled me aside later that day to tell me what he had heard from Raymond, he was concerned. I just felt numb. Humiliated. Sad. That my best friend in the world knew what had happened the night before. Barry was mad and sad for me. 

But it had happened. The damage was done. And I never had another date with Raymond. Barry and I continued to be best friends for years and years and never spoke of that again. I feel like Barry thought he should have stood up for my character, but honestly, I just wanted the memory of that 3 minute humiliating experience to be forgotten and that I would learn a big lesson from it. Never to let it happen again.

Lesson learned.


  1. We blame ourselves for the sins of others. I was never in a situation like that.
    But I bet it's because I didn't date until college and then hardly at all.

  2. I did not date much in High School. This happened when I was 18 or 19 ...

  3. Yikes! and I only grew up as a messed up adult child of an alcoholic.... oh the things we carry.


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