Saturday, May 20, 2023

Getting away with theft and impersonation!

I played detective for two days. It started out with a call from AAA asking where Matt lived. He had come to my house and now was lost. I didn't think too much about it since Matt's truck isn't running and I assumed they had call AAA. I gave AAA guy the number and didn't think much about it. 

When I called the kids to ask about the truck status, they said they had not called AAA. So I called AAA back and said someone was impersonating my son and using our AAA card. Could I have the make of the car, the person who order the tow, where did they take the car, etc. And I got them involved.

I also called Matt's case detective since we thought this would be related to the theft of his wallet a couple of weeks ago. 

AAA made notes, gave me the dispatch number, told me the car was a blue Acura. Wasn't sure where they were taking it but would ask around. 

They mentioned Conway Motors in Everett. Which I figured out later they rejected the car because they would not be able to repair it. 

Then AAA sent it to a AAA car storage place in Seattle. I stayed on the phone for hours with various operators. One told me who was the towing company here in Edmonds. So I called and spoke to Cesar. WHO was suspicious and took a photo of the guy's ID and the front of his car. Unfortunately the plates were just the dealership, but they said Carson Cars near here. They were also using Matt's DL for their ID! Those little bastards. 

Cesar told me exactly where he took the car in Seattle. Apparently, he spent all day towing this car around. Which of course, we won't be charged for ... I guess AAA eats that cost. 

So I called AAA car storage and after talking to several people and hanging on the phone forever ... talked to Branden. He also got suspicious when they presented Matt's ID. So he took a photo of the guy standing in front of him AND his car registration. And Branden called the police to report suspicious behavior. When I talked to him he said, they should be back any minute so he hoped the police would get there to check out the car. 

So I called Carson Car and asked if I sent him my son's ID and the front of their car, could he give me some information about it. I sent it, then called back later to check in. He said one of his guys recognized the car, they had sold it last year to (and he gave me name) and no they did no use Matt's ID.

Branden would tell me the name of the person at the car storage but confirmed that they did not use the same name that Carson's Cars had given me. I found the guy on FB and of course he had been in prison for robbery. 14 years, but for some reason, I think he was out of prison in 3! 

The guy in question lives in Everett, of course. The source of most drug deals around here.

I checked in the Matt's detective. He called me back annoyed because it was his day off and he had all ready told me that there was not much he could do. But I told him, I made all of these noteds, with names and telephone numbers and case numbers and I would like for him to note it in the Case File, IN CASE. He says this is only a misdemeanor even if they could get it to stick. One  drugged out asshole will just say someone gave him the ID. But what I was trying to explain to him is I want Matt's wallet and id and all back before they use it in other ways! 

He said he understood my frustration but in the light of all the crime they are having to deal with,  he would not be allowed overtime to go look into this "small" event.

It is so frustrating to think this little bastards can just get away with  crime because our police force is too busy, too overworked, understaffed? It is just like all of those snatch and grabs in stores in SF that they just let them go! If it isn't over a certain amount of money, they don't bother. Companies are moving out of SF because of this. I mean, when will people start behaving themselves. It feels like we living in a third world country sometimes.

The people who stole the wallet immediately went to Home Depot and charge 15K on a company credit card buy Home Depot gift cards! 

But here is a weird question. When I looked up "the guys in question" living in Everett, he lived in a house all associated with about 8 or so people. Two couples, and a couple of guys. All of the descriptions said currently living at this address. It was a dinky little house with two bedrooms. I  found one of the other guys and his wife on FB, he is an electrician and  says he lived in Edmonds. I was dying to call him and ask why it says he lived at this other address with all of the people. I know, I talked myself out of it. But curious minds, just have to know!



1 comment:

  1. OMG!!!!!! what sort of Police Department is this???????
    Can't wait for more installments.........


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