Saturday, April 29, 2023

Unearthing the past

Sitting in the alley, in front of the backdoor of the Thrift Store, trying to decide if I was really going to forfeit a box of partial leaf dish set that has been packed away for years. WHAT IS WRONG WITH ME? I kept thinking, I will just take them home and look at them one last time! 

I forced myself to take the box to the door along with many of other boxes I had intended on "looking through". I have loads of old quilts to get rid of. Tons of antique books I am sure no one wants. My mom was an antiqued book collector in her day, mainly historical or informational. She has the complete set of Shakespeare. 

Then I ran across this little treasure. This was my first serious relationship, who married his secretary, a friend of mine. He used to tell me that the clothes I wore made him physical sick and why couldn't I dress like Dana, or the wear the lipstick Dana did ... he suggested a get a job at a bank. Needless to say our breakup was very painful. I moved out with nowhere to go and no car. He had bought me an old car but then took it back. He was 12 years older then me and I hate to admit but sometimes I Google his name and obits and see if he is still "with us". I know, that is mean.

I sent this to my friend who knew him. Honestly, there are few left in my friend's circle that knew him and me then. She said "you look like a lapdog, a pretty one" ... and she was not wrong! It was a pleasure to shove it in the trash can.


Then I found this life size portrait of mom. Circa, time we lived in Malta. Matt said, who had life -size portraits of themselves, who does that? And I said ... people who live in castles in England?


So I think I got all the boxes out. Only thing left, the large furniture. Kids are dealing with that later today. I have lots of Seattle Times historical stuff that I need to see if anyone wants.

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