Friday, March 10, 2023

Well, that was fast!

Brought a fallen twig in for a wooden vase I have not used in years. Pixie sleeps in her favorite spot, being deaf makes her a  deep sleeper!
Who are these happy people? Found while I was cleaning. I miss seeing this little monster every day. This is why I quit going to the Goodwill. 😳 This poor woman and her desperate kids! Makes me so sad for all involved.
Well, this financial disaster happen quickly.

It's a black week for the American financial system: In just 48 hours, the banking sector has been shaken by the collapse of two major banks.

Most worrying is that these banks served two so-called growth economic sectors: the tech sector and the cryptocurrency industry.

I read this late yesterday afternoon (10 banks that may face trouble in the wake of the SVB Financial Group debacle), while I also saw the stock market had dropped 500 pts. At the moment it is down another 300 pts.

I have a sneaking suspicion this has something to do with cryptocurrency, money that isn't really money that all high tech idiots and con men have been investing in.Very unsettling for those of us on fixed income and 401ks.

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