Wednesday, March 29, 2023

Waste not, want not

Finally, I ate my last bowl of spaghetti (actually I ate it directly from the Tupperware). I was determined NOT to waste any and I succeeded! I only have one more bowl of red beans! 

The Benadryl is working. I have managed two nights of pure, lovely sleep without waking up itching. This is pretty gross, but I am going to share it anyway. I dug out my body brush last night and started brushing firmly. Puffs of smoke (old skin?) were flying off my legs. My legs look smooth and wonderful. 

It is a beautiful, sunny day here in Edmonds! AND I saw the neighborhood Hummingbird is back. I had feared they had died in the two week long snow storm. I am so thrilled and relieved to see one land on a branch today. I will put the feeder back out. And replenish the birdseed today. Doesn't look like rain for the next couple of days.

I am always drawn to Andrew Ludick's work when I pass it by on Pinterest. Whimsical with delicate lines.

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