Friday, March 24, 2023

On a personal note, spaghetti!

I love the idea of spaghetti as a family meal. I found ground meat on a special tonight, came home and decided to make spaghetti sauce. The thing about spaghetti sauce, it can be without meat all together, just onions, bell peppers and garlic, or hamburger meat, or chicken or mushrooms. Tonight, I made my pretty heavy in meat, but if I had a bunch of kids to feed I would have added much more sauce (bought on special deal at store.) 

Today, as I am paying at least 50-80 dollars every time I go to the grocery store, for the smallest of list, I wonder how a family of 4 or more are making it? And then you have kids like my grandkids who don't eat everything that is put in front of them, maybe just a bite or two.

And it makes me worry!

I have a bunch of food here D bought that I don't want, will not eat. I am going to take to the food shelter. Like a family size box of cheerios. I do not and have never eaten cereal. Many cans of gumbo soup, Boxes of ramen noodles from Costco, I don't eat. I know I will not eat it. I think it could be more useful someplace else. He had most of these because of his recent dental surgery.

I went through a little "thing" today while going through out bank statements. Money being moved around to cover D's spending habits. I had a quick angry meltdown. I will be so glad to get these f-ing taxes down and out of here.

Oh, on Netflix... The Night Agent! Excellent! Why can't we have more of this quality programming?


My friend told me Season 2 of Alaska Daily was on but it is not on Hulu! I am really not liking not being connected to regular cable, but that is OK. I am  going to learn the ends and outs of this!    

Anyway. I am very close to having my taxes conquered.

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