Thursday, March 02, 2023

Lessons learned

I spent the morning cleaning and sautéing what seems like a year's worth of mushrooms. I ask myself "did I really need THAT bargain from Costco?". I found an idea for my mushrooms. 


I bought Notebook red at Costco for $6.99 a bottle, a good price. I wish I bought more. Days ago I bought a Black Box of reduced calorie Cab that is literally undrinkable! Sickening sweet! 

I really love listening to the descriptions of the blind tasting of wine. I prefer a Cab over any red and never drink white. Remember Uncorked? Witness the journey to attain the wine world's highest honor by following six wine experts who will do whatever it takes to pass the world's toughest test and win the coveted title of Master Sommelier. It was so entertaining.




I purchased a Pork Tenderloin last week on sale. Every time I cook a t tenderloin I screw it up.  But I had to cook it last night before it went bad. I decided to try Tenderloin with a honey, Dijon mustard and balsamic vinegar glaze. The trick of course, it NOT overcooking it so I was very careful. Set alarm for 15 minutes to add a little more glaze, then 10 minutes for a total of 25 or until the interior temp was 145. I checked and it was 133 so I left it for 4 more minutes. When I took it out the temp was over 150! Argh. It is a little dry but the glaze is nice. I ate this morning with mushrooms on the side. I see this meal in my future for days!

Mom's crows (as I use to call them)  that hang out on my back deck demanding food are spoiled rotten. When they asked, I feed them something, old bread, meal worms, seed. They are brazen and hardly leave the small deck when I open the door. Bri is picking up some bird seed at Ace. They have a coupon right now, 2-20 lb bags for $20.00. The small bag of bird seed I bought at Home Depot the other day was expensive and didn't last very long at my house.

I was watching the neighborhood Eagle get chased by crows the other day. I always think it is so brave of the Crows and they are persistent. The Eagle will finally relent and fly off to another neighborhood. Crows are NOT messing around!

The Dr. prescribed me Lexapro on my last visit. I filled it but now I am questioning whether I should really take it, do I really need it. I mean, I have experienced true depression in my past but I am nowhere near being depressed right now. I think me saying I felt overwhelmed was the reason she suggested Lexapro for the next 6 months while I work through this. 


I love this, turn your kids art into real wall art

Make a stuffed animal from your kids art. 3D Stuffy. I have done this with Matt's monster creations.
Custom pillows anyone? 

Kid's art custom jewelry

1 comment:

  1. I know what you mean about the depression drug. I used to think I was depressed and mentioned it to my MD. I was prescribed something I don't remember. I never felt any different so I stopped taking it. C'est la vie, I thought - LOL


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