Monday, March 06, 2023

Bumper crop of winter snow

I don't want to dump on people in stress. I have been watching some of the latest videos about the weather disaster happening in California right now. Snowed-in residents, apparently many retired and elderly live in this area. The comments are blaming the governor, the National Guard for not doing more, the government for not sending help (of course complaining of helping Ukraine), local government, etc.

There are a few sensible comments about making disaster plan before the snow hit, being prepared. I know this is a very unusual situation but I do think people are pretty quick to start pointing fingers and blaming. I know D and I use to talk all the time about being prepared for an earthquake, since we know (from experience) that during that crisis you can not depend on an emergency vehicle to come running when you call 911. Fortunately D had lots of camping gear and camping experience so when we lost power for days, he dug out the camp stove and sleeping bags.

Reading the comments my mind wonders over to Turkey and all of those folks that have lost their homes and now living on the streets, trying to feed their kids. Or Ukraine where the people have lost their homes, cities to bombing and either had to flee to another country or are living in a bombed out hovel.

I realize I am criticising while sitting in the warmth of my living room with food in the refrigerator so I apologize. But I do think WE, the collective WE, need to figure out how to do some surviving on our own. Me included. I think about this a lot. Even more now that I am on my own.




  1. Hmmm I can relate somewhat after spending the last 3 days with no power and heat after a major ice/snowstorm here in Mich. I can handle a power outage in summer, but winter??? I'm such a wuss about being cold. Ugh. Could have been worse so I'll be grateful for that.

  2. oh yeah and it was my birthday Mar 2 - one I won't soon forget - LOL!

  3. Oh I am soooo sorry!!!! And Happy birthday fellow Piscean! My best friend's bd is that day as well. Very good, intelligent people are born on that day


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