Tuesday, February 14, 2023

This and that and Frito Pie

So I guess I am not the only person upset about Trader Joe's discontinuing Orange Blossom Honey French Liquid Soap. I am going to have to hide the last half bottle I have of it because Noah loves to use it. I found a replacement, but I am dubious if it will be as good.
I am so sick of paper work, talking to financial people of the phone, thinking about all of this tedious  business shit. I can not wait until my chore of the day is to just clean the bathroom, or mop the kitchen floor.
Woke up this morning with snow? Hail? on the ground. But the sun is shining now so I will not complain.
Still having problems with my new  entertainment set-up. I really miss watching weekly late night  monologues. I need them to keep my sense of humor, and I need my political shows to keep my anger at a good, disgusted level.
I have a guy coming over to look at and give me advise on the 18+ boxes of comic books I have in the studio.

David would have been happy with the Super Bowl Chief win. I did not watch and I guess I missed the most expensive religious ads in history. I like this comment "Why didn't they use that money to feed the poor? These people need to be taxed." and this on "Why does the savior of the universe need a $100 million ad campaign?"
People are so very ridiculous.

I saw a package of Fritos the other day and Chili popped into my head. Frito Pie, I lived on this at a teen at rodeos. I ate it out of a bowl which altered the taste a little, I think. And I forgot about the layer of grated cheese on top. But it was satisfying.

Gary Aagaard does a great job in capturing a demon.


  1. I could never understand why a popular product would be discontinued. I hope you find something to replace it with.

    I love fritos but have not purchased any chips for many years now. Make our own or do without. I have to see I can make them.

    My son had a huge collection of comic books old ones in covers pitched them when he moved kicks himself alot about that. I am sure you will get a good price for them.

    Snowed here today too. I am so ready for spring.


  2. I did find something on Amazon, about the same price range. I ordered it, we will see if it is as good ;)

    SEE! I know David's obsession started when his mother threw out all of his comics when he went to college ;) I have absolutely no interest in them and told the kids, they are theirs to do with, sell or keep as they want. Bri is conducting some research. I thought this guy could give us a hint of what to do. We must have 1500 or more!


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