Thursday, February 23, 2023

It's time for cake

We have had two snowy, cold days here in the PNW. Just a light covering of snow but it is cold and dark. As I speak there is a light dusting happening. I had the kids over to spend the night, then all day Monday. What a fun, hand full they are. We baked brownies and Mason loves to conduct "experiments" in the kitchen of flour, salt, corn starch and food coloring. I mean, who could say no, she is so engrossed in mixing concoctions and molding into balls. 

I hope everyone caught the orange joke in Ohio talking about football and how the train disaster could have been a lot worse, Oh, the good part is ... he is sending in help via "trump water". My S-I-L snagged one of these in NM that they were handing out during the fires and I got my very own for Christmas. It is a 12oz bottle! HE IS SUCH AN ASSHOLE.



This is the only way I keep my sanity in these insane times. 



If you want to get sick to your stomach, here is the entire video on CSPAN. It is going to be a very long campaign listening to this crazy person.

Sun Sprinkles Shop found via Brown Paper Bag


  1. I saw him complimenting the bottles of Trump Water that they had hauled out of storage-- I'm sure they will be a line item on next year's TAXES. His orange pock marked skin and that so disgusting. And that "I think I am upper crust" accent he uses.

  2. I can hardly watch him without getting sick to my stomach!


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