Sunday, February 19, 2023

Chaotic color

Have been getting up every morning at 9am, although I wake up at 5:30-6:30, slipped back to sleep. I am literally ready to go to be at dusk. Force myself to stay up a bit longer. Pixie and I are having a dandy time here alone LOL. 

I had a great dream night before last about a house with hidden rooms. (Finding a secret passageway or room in your house can be interpreted as an invitation to explore an unexplored part of yourself, or of someone around you, and to be open to new experiences coming your way,) I knew they were there and was discovering them with someone. I know the HOUSE in a dream always represents yourself. So this was an old house, but nice and interesting one and I told the person with me, OH and there are great hidden rooms. I use to have this dream a lot in a different house! But it was a specific house that I dreamed about every time. There was this luxurious bedroom and a expansive, impressive stairway. I loved this house and I was always so excited to find myself in that dream. There was also a back, crickety, steep staircase painted white. In the back on the house, on the side of the house, leading to many bedrooms. (These were not hidden). 

I use to think it represented my best friend from elementary school's house. In real life she had a fantastic ranch-style house in "Ranch Estates". Her dad's vet clinic was behind the house. She had loads of big, rescued dogs. One name Puddin', a ridge-back mix that I love to pieces. I stayed there a lot since her house was in town and I loved out in the country. All the girls had their own bedrooms with jack and jill baths. There was a long, bricked, closed-in porch on the back of the house. I loved her mom, she was a proper southern bell, she acted silly but was anything but. They had a "candy drawer" in the kitchen, which I always have one in my own home. I never felt jealous, just lucky to be accepted as a part of the family. I guess I was envious they didn't have an alcoholic father creating chaos in their home. I felt "normal" there. 

My dad was a poor but respected horse trainer and we lived in a very, small house on a very large horse ranch my dad worked on. It wasn't grand but I liked it. It had a massive, brick fireplace and a decent, old kitchen where my mom worked her magic. I had a bedroom in an attic, pitched ceiling. There was loads of acreage, I rode (excercised) horses, mucked out stalls, unloaded hay, watch horses giving birth. It was an interesting life. Just years before we lived in Malta, where we had quite a privileged life of an "American old worker". I always felt pulled between being pretty poor in the states, and being quite privileged abroad. But that was life and it seemed to be all a part of the journey. Thankfully my dad wasn't always misbehaving, so there was some sanity. 

So last night I had another interesting dream.  I can't remember exactly what town I was in but I was walking to the city center and entered into this underground tunnels (passageways) that were meant to be a short-cut. (To dream of a tunnel represents issues where your mindset is totally focused on one goal or issue. Total preoccupation with ending something or getting something over with. You really want to finish something badly. A long drawn out wait. Feeling unable to clearly see a goal you are working towards. Positively, dreaming of a tunnel may reflect a high degree of perseverance, hope, or faith when there is no way to see your goals in sight.)

There were lots of other people there, and little shops? along the way, a couple of cafes. I exited into a place that I have dreamed about before. It was a market place with lots of great shops that I knew about. I want to say it was San Francisco but who knows. It was not where I intended to go so I went back to the tunnel. I was opening a door to where I thought was my destination but someone came along and told me to go in this other direction. I did, and when I left the tunnel was in Mosta, Malta, not far from where we lived in my pre-teens. The exit was in front of Mosta church and I thought, I have to tell mom she can visit here through the tunnel. It was not a long walk and I was so excited to tell her of this find. But that is not where I wanted to be so I entered the tunnel again feeling very lost and disoriented. I kept asking for directions and I think I woke up before I found my way back home. 

Who knows what these are all about but I am trying to work out some issuse LOL

Fun, colorful, chaotic art of Jennifer Mercede

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