Thursday, January 19, 2023

Why is it so cold in my house?

I made vegetarian chili last night and did not mess is up! I did add some Polish sausage that I needed to use. 

I am so disgusted with the republicans right now, Santos, MJT homeland security committee??? The idea that they would put this country in jeopardy over debt ceiling to get their SSN/Medicare cuts. Well, there goes the rest of our 401Ks ... and probably the stock market and economy on a whole. 

Big Sky season 3 bored me to tears. I fast-forwarded through most of the episodes and just like when you are reading a book that you have lost interest in, I skipped right to the final episode. Why do I lose interest after a few seasons? It always feels like the plot gets too dramatic, too complicated, too silly. 

I watched some vintage Miss Marple's on YouTube last night. Those never bore me.

My neighbors went to Tahiti for 4 days, I followed their frolicking in the sun on Facebook. When she mentioned their 9 hour flight and 3 days of sun, I could think of nothing I would rather do l less. I think my traveling days are over.

The sun is shining. Bri had car trouble and I ran over to Everett to get her home. I need to get back on my bedroom. I was explaining to Bri last night that I need to get my living situation cleaned up so I can move on with my life, living. Bri and Matt have become my touchstone to the living, someone to share my thoughts with (besides this blog). I have been reading about the process of grief and I know this is all normal. 

I miss illustrating, working and using my brain. I was thinking of shutting down both of my websites, if I am not going to actively look for a job or freelance illustration. Saving money options. Miller Carney Miller is just out of date now. But illustration is always in the back of my mind. Designing a card deck. Painting ... they are not far from my thoughts.


  1. cut some copy paper into quarters- Staple together. a sort of notebook.
    choose your favorite pen- the one that glides smoothly over the paper's surface.
    Make lines. Make circles. Make looping lines. fill in the segments with dots, lines and whatevers.....

    do it right now. go on.......... I'll wait....


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