Sunday, January 29, 2023


Nanako Kume creates these light fixtures with a custom large-scale pencil sharpener. More here.

Japanese designer Nanako Kume came up with a different idea for making lampshades by continuously scraping a pencil-shaped wood block. The specially built machine looks like a pencil sharpener and works like one as well. The colored shavings can be processed into various sizes and shapes for DIY applications. 



  1. I absolutely adore these lampshades!!! I've rather been obsessing over penicls, of late, since I learned about the Musgrave Pencil company. In fact, I'm planning to order some of the black and white pencils quite soon (the shavings come out black and white, and I want to fill some clear glass Christmas ornaments with these shavings for my office. *squeeee!* It's amazing how beautiful pencils can be, these unravelings of tiny miracles, with all the potential for writing or drawing stored up in the graphite. kinetic energy. So exciting.

  2. Oh, and I must say the video of the artist's process for her pencil shavings is amazing and beautiful. It feels so artful, elegant, and so right. I love it! These fixtures are so beautiful! <3


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