Monday, January 16, 2023

Random thoughts

I could hardly get through the Sunday morning political shows without losing my mind. 

 I think all living ex-presidents should RUN to their garages and make sure there are no classified documents hanging around. And what is up with the National Archive ... just letting documents go out into the world ... no matter who the person taking them is.

And of course these f*cking republicans going on and on about investigating Biden and Hunter ... this morning I heard one of them say that say that the Biden Library was funded by secret Chinese investors. You know this is going to be a real shit show for two years of revenge and what-aboutism. Hmmm, my spell checker is telling shit show is two words LOL.

The California flooding, landslides, sinkholes, power outages ... is all very hard to watch. My heart goes out to them.


I am having a hard time focusing this weekend. Mainly eating and watching  HBO MAX before I lose cable. Ziply all set up, had my phone changed over yesterday ... I just need to call and cancel Xfinity.

I printed out all the legal documents for the title to house and now I feel I need to call around and see what an attorney would cost to help me sort this out.

I am waiting for the "package" from the bank before I can do anything. And I woke up with morning thinking about taxes. I never did the taxes but we have a guy who signs off on the work that David does on taxes ... I think I should call him and ask what paperwork I am going to need so I can start working on that.

I rather just let the clothes sorting go for a couple of days.

So this morning to keep my anger up to a good level ... I love to watch Trek Trendy ... who shows us exclusive and expensive airline flights and train trips. It is interesting but you have to ask, who pays 10K for a airline flight?  Really, I don't want to know. 


The kids are suppose to come over tonight for dinner, I am roast a whole chicken and make some garlic, mashed potatoes. My day to pick up the kids from school today. 

So one of these farmers get paid $17 for three large bags of beans. About the cost of a small quantity that we purchase. The below example cost is $24.00.



River reed salt


The 10 Most Expensive Mezcals You Can Buy

1 comment:

  1. If you are going to be visiting a lawyer- ask him to recommend a lawyer to help you with a will.
    Just a boilerplate one..who gets what........ and power of attorney in case you get really sick and need someone to turn off the machines. I did that for my Dad. His will was pretty generic. I have it somewhere.

    Power of Attorney is wrong- I was something else....It will come to me.


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