Saturday, January 28, 2023

Finding inspiration to brighten up my day

Yesterday was spent on the phone with debt collectors. I guess everyone got the word that David had passed away and it seems all of them sent notices on the same day. I called them all, had a conversation about money. Paid some, I have been paying monthly. Some I had no idea about, was not on the card, therefore, I don't think I have any responsibility...isn't that grand? It was depressing and frightening. Nothing can scare me more than money, the lack of ..., the making of, the inability to make it. I have been making money saving decisions here, and I know it will all be okay. (I do have money in my account). But it makes me feel even more alone on this journey. I admit I have been having a two week, hermit-like pity party and I really need to get off the sofa and get something done. I just keep telling myself, it is okay, all will be okay and be gentle on myself. 

I am trying to learn how to navigate Roku and happened upon Newsmax this morning, lying piece of shit trump's live campaign rally in NH. Watched enough to make me sick to my stomach. 

I am having a hard time wrapping my head around what to watch, how to get to it, how to find it. I am desperately searching for my standard news shows that I watch daily. I can watch most on MSNBC on YouTube, but just in snippets not the entire show. I am still hunting and I know I will find all of them.

Thankfully, I also ran across this YouTube Channel Free High-Quality Documentaries to bring my brain back to life, so to speak. 

What a fantastic channel. This video is fantastic! A must watch ;) Grab a cup of teas, these videos are long and involved. (remember the playback speed)



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