Friday, December 23, 2022

It is a brand new day!

I woke up this morning and got right up! First time in weeks. It is completely frozen out there. I am going to vacuum and try to get the table cleaned off for the Christmas meal that Bri is planning. I thought she would love it if I get the table cleaned off enough to have a nice, set table. I know the kids love when we do that, have candles, etc. 

 I ate something yesterday that I really enjoyed! It did not make me feel sick. It made me feel happy and I am so thankful for that. I have been eating creme of wheat, crackers, rice cakes, tomato soup. Nothing has sounded good lately and now I feel like I have rounded a corner. I found these artist on Instagram yesterday and was blown away. 


 I love that he is re-imaging songs. 


What a Christmas present, the Jan 6th report is out! I am going to start reading every word. When are the Republicans going to start being embarrassed by their treasonous behavior? Hell, when are they going to jail??? This was a delicous story yesteray! Fox News' Sean Hannity says he knew all along Trump lost the election. Sean Hannity is a lying piece of shit and I hope he and Fox have to pay billions of dollars in damage. Someone has to pay for all the damage that has been done to this country!

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