Saturday, December 24, 2022

Christmas Moments!

It has been raining all morning and the snow has vanished. The kids will be over later. I got the house all cleaned, the table cleaned off, and found the new table cloths that David and I bought when we were in Arizona. I had almost forgot them. We bought a red set and white set in anticipation of Christmas and the year of meals to come. It is still quite cold. And now wet and the pups are coming over to spend the night ... why did I bother to mop? But we will have a big fire and I am going to prepare Mom's Christmas crepes for the morning.

 I so love Graham Norton. I watch it when I need a belly laugh. 


I did not put any lights up this year. I am just glad I have almost gotten through without having an emotional blowout.

I love Miriam



  1. Kim - hoping you are able to feel peace & joy this Christmas!

  2. Gosh...I am in LOVE with the Ditto House. Laughing over here.
    So COLD this morning. I haven't even THOUGHT about going out to see if there is a newspaper.
    You made it thru Christmas.......I know it was hard.....


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