Tuesday, December 06, 2022

A couple of hours of honoring David

Lots of hugging, lots of speeches, tons of BBQ, friends, family. It felt like a very nice event to talk about how much we all loved David. One of my friends played the bagpipe, which was wonderful. Bri amd Matt did a great job with everything and all family and family chipped in the set up. Many of David's co-workers were there and lovely rembrances of David. Many of them had worked with him for 30 years! 

Now my S-I-L and sister are cocooning in the house with Netflix and food. Taking it easy. 

I felt absolute exhausted yesterday, I think just having it all done was such a relief.


  1. How wonderful that you were able to have loved ones celebrate David and surround you with warmth and love in a beautiful memorial/celebration of his life and the love that you two share.

  2. Lovely photos and many memories shared. Hugs and smiles looked comforting.

  3. Thank you both! It was a lovely gathering and I felt such a relief after it was over! I was exhausted for two days afterwards


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