Friday, November 25, 2022

Thanksgiving OVER

The kids hosted a great Thanksgiving dinner. I made dressing and was not happy with either that I made. I swear I am going to give up cooking. It brings me no joy. 

Spent a couple of hours with the kids, the dogs and family-in-law, then came home. I felt  exhausted.

Spent most of yesterday working on David's memorial slideshow and music. That made me pretty emotional but it must be done. Memorial is very soon. I have people coming in 5 days! I am having anxiety attacks. 

Today I am going to go pick out some carpet for the downstairs bedroom. They said they can install it next week. So ... onward.

Hope everyone had a great, relaxing Thanksgiving.

I felt very alone yesterday when I realized that all of these people are now gone. Must not think that way and focus on who is still here.

1 comment:

  1. Everyday is hard after a loss of a loved one but holidays seem to be the worst. Take care of yourself and I know it is hard but your people are coming to see you and your son and family so try not to stress to hard about house cleaning. You have made a beautiful home take comfort in that.

    Keeping you and family in my thoughts


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