Saturday, November 19, 2022

Ready, set, GO SHOPPING

Gosh, it is such a beautiful day here today. Blue sky! Leaves are hanging on in their magnificent colors. 


The bedrooms are painted. I just have a small feeling of accomplishment. Still cleaning like a mad woman. 

So far we have 45 guest coming to memorial. I am rather getting excited now about seeing everyone. It dawned on me today that I should shopping for dressing making supplies. I am not hosting Thanksgiving but making a few dishes that I know how to do. Matt has requested Mom's dressing with pecans and sausage. 

I got some sleep last night. Went to bed very early and only woke up a couple of times. I had a couple of phone conversations with great friends, so I felt really good at the end of the day.

For your amusement:


Kari Lake and Marje running to Mar-a-Lago on there little cloven hoofs this week is just perfect. These people are so disgusting that I can't listen to them anymore. Marje is going to burn it all to the ground trying to investigate Hunter and impeach Biden! I can't even express in words how much these people disgust me.

"Reporters tried to ask questions about other topics. Comer cut them off. “If we could keep it about Hunter Biden, that would be great,” he said, explaining that “this is kind of a big deal, we think.”

Honest to God, musk is running this stupid poll on Twitter today! With all of his twitter troubles ... is this really most prudent thing?


Well, that went pretty quickly from "lovely day" to "I hate Kari Lake" ... maybe time to go do some "real work"

Just think if we all could just quick drinking from plastic bottles? This is horrible to watch, but will make you NOT drink from plastic again.

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