Thursday, November 10, 2022

Cleaning up, throwing out

It took me almost all day to clean out the refrigerator. 6 bags to the trash. Some looked okay but the expiration date was in question. So I decided to just clean it all out. 

Which led me to look in the pantry. Oh, Boy. Boxes and boxes of soups. David thought if one was good, then 5 must be the best. There must be 6 boxes of bone broth. I wonder if I could freeze them? Two Thai sweet potato soup, guess what I will be eating today. Today Tomato and roasted red peppers. Guess what I am eating tomorrow. 

When David was going through all of his dental surgery, he invested heavily in soups and noodles. Matt and Bri took home the noodles, I doubt I will ever eat them. 

It  disgust me to throw away food. My mom's scolding voice in my head all day.

But is done now and I am going to be careful not too buy too much. Much of the food was from friends bringing me extra meals. Lots of humus, and dippy kinds of things. Too many cheeses! Some weird looking drinks I am guessing the kids. One greenish thing has been leaking ... all the way down the back to the bottom.

Next on the list - THE FREEZER! 


  1. When I was a volunteer at our local food bank they had a list of expiration dates from the USDA we would follow. Here is one link I found

  2. NOW you tell me LOL
    That is a good resource!

  3. this is great!


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