Friday, October 14, 2022

Watering David's grass!

Oh, my, Jan 6th hearings yesterday were very entertaining.

Spent all day on the phone with the SSN, after spending hours and hours at the office the other day. Just to find out I needed to go back and fill out an application for Part B. I showed up today there at 8:15a, they open at 9a ... so maybe I would not have to wait for 3 hours. It worked. An hour later I had the application submitted. 

The woman in front of me in line has also lost her husband last week. She was very stoic and matter of fact as well. So we had a nice visit and laugh about how worried the kids are about us. 

The SSN office is such an interesting slice of American life and mixed cultures. I wish I could interview all the people there and see what they are doing, applying for, whatever. 

Treated myself to a Mocha. A $6 dollar coffee. It feels so ridiculous but today I just went for it. I have not had a purchased coffee in years and years. 

Had gone to WinCo for TWO items and left with 4 bags full of groceries. The prices are so great, who can say no to a .78¢ cucumber or a couple of .88¢ bell peppers? I am not sure why I don't always shop there. Maybe because you have to pack your own groceries in bags, but I do that anyway at the self-checkout. Anyway, I am going to the neighbors for cocktails (me = Wine). I got my wine and some snacky food to take with me. Radishes, cucumbers, bell peppers, cheese. They also had .78¢ cans of beans, a variety of beans. So I am thinking vegetarian chili for next week.

Bri and I have an appointment at the New Senior Citizen's Center, Edmonds Waterfront Center, to review there banquet facilities for a memorial. 

The girls are spending the night tomorrow night and we might go some place, the Aquarium? The Zoo. We will see.

I was watching a great Danish (?) mystery, Bäckström, but it is subtitled so by the end of my night my eyeballs are crossing.  

I watered David's grass yesterday. I wish he was here to enjoy the Mariner's in the playoffs. He was so excited. And to listen the the excellent Jan 6th hearing yesterday. Boy, he would have enjoyed that. ;)

It is only $100,000,000! 

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