Sunday, October 30, 2022

The birthday and Halloween that hardly happened

Poor Mason had a very down-played Birthday party here last night. Instead of cooking dinner, we voted on Door Dash. No cake, no problem, we stuck a candle in a brownie square and sang as loud and proud as we could. We gave her presents, some wrapped, some not. And then to be the cherry on top of the already crappy birthday, my big present did not work. We immediately ordered another from Amazon  but I was less than happy as was Mason.

She didn't seem to take offense. She had had a big birthday sleep-over the night before where they had a lot of fun. 

But that does not make me feel any better about my lack of effort. I can't muster the energy right now. Mason understands. Everyone gets it. But it does not take the "shame" away. 

Today we are to carve pumpkins. Usually we would have had 10 pumpkins carved and lit on the front steps every night. But not this year. Considering it all, it will be okay. 

I  slept really deeply last night. Woke up  dazed and confused about what day, month, year it was. I tried my Emergen-ZZZZZZ. I think it worked.

Who knew how amazing this little bundle of joy would be! It is such a privilege to be Mason's grandmother.

1 comment:

  1. Just Being Together is more than enough and it's what she will remember- not the gifts or the mistakes.
    It's what I remember of my Grandmother- Eating breakfast with the garden with her......Her.


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