Tuesday, October 25, 2022

Signing off

I remember when I was a kid sitting in front of the TV listening to the National Anthem, watching a waving flag, knowing entertainment was over for the night. I hated that moment. It felt so empty. 

I watched Bewitched and Andy Griffin every afternoon while I was cleaning our apartment and folding clothes. I use to tell Matt - Do you know how much work you can get done during the commercials? I did it everyday, cleaned and watched all of my shows. 

I watched black and white Dracula movies in my mom's bed on rainy weekends. That was so delicious. The TV was probably black and white. But I felt like the queen of the world with mystery movies, in bed with blankets. 

In Scotland, they also had a mid-nightish sign off in the late 70's. It is such a lonely feeling to have the TV go off.

I had lunch with an old work mate the other day and we were talking about all the great stuff on TV these days. And they we can watch it literally anytime, any day we want. I mean, we are just spoiled! I even hate to watch any series weekly because I lose the plot. So I will wait until it has all aired then watch it.  

Tonight I finally started The Lord of The Rings, The Rings of Power.

I am just thankful that when I wake up at all hours of the night, I have something to turn on and watch.


I bought an artichoke the other day and was so excited to eat it. I boiled it and boiled it and it just didn't seem to soften up. I always do the same thing because I saw my mom do it, put a bay leaf and lots of pepper corns in the water. There was no meat on the leaves. I did get a little of the heart but I was so disappointed. I went to the store tonight for another but there were none.

The cheapest butter at QFC was almost $5.00. I am going to have to stop shopping there and go WinCo or Fred Meyer instead. I honestly don't know how a big family is surviving right now. I love the Republicans blame Biden but never mention how corporate profits are at an all time high.

If I hear the right-wing say Fauci deserves to go to jail one more time, I might lose it.

So it feels like we had two days of fall and went straight to a rainy, cold winter.  

I spent all afternoon on our bank site trying to cancel David's subscription to different websites for work. You know, $20 here, $17.00 there, $8.00 there ... it all adds up. Then discovered that he was hacked, so spent many more hours trying to figure that out. It is funny how many sites we subscribed to without thinking about the total expense. Dropbox, Hightail, Dreamstime, New York Times, WP, not to mention all the magazines we subscribed to. I am going to check my subscription next. Eventually, I will get through it all.

1 comment:

  1. Never a dull moment, huh? I spend a good bit of each day policing my husband's activities.
    I'm not good at it and possibly am not doing it right. I do pay his bills. so...that's pretty much in view.
    It's dark and wet here- endlessly raining. But- NOT SNOW or ICE.

    I folded yesterday's laundry. I think that's enough for today.


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