Friday, October 07, 2022

Oh oh oh

This stopped me in my tracks. Seen on Instagram. Unfortunately the website shows no more examples of this kind of work.


  1. kim, i don't know what to say. i got behind on reading your blog while slogging through a bunch of financial stuff the past two weeks. then i read today that david is gone. i am so, so sorry. it's like a literal gut punch when someone you love dearly is just GONE. i know you know that after losing your mom. anyway, this Texas girl is sending you love and hugs. i'm so glad you have your kids right there.

    roxanne reynolds

  2. Hey Roxanne! Thank you so much for your note of Texas hugs!!! It means so much xoxoxo.

    Slogging through financial stuff sounds grim! Been doing the same here. Can think of a million things more fulfilling! ;)


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