Tuesday, October 11, 2022

My truths for today

I going to have to start doing dishes by hand or cooking more and purposely making more mess. As it is right now, I only have enough dirty dishes for one load a week! 

The sky is so darn blue and the weather is so perfect, the trees are turning that perfect shade of gold, it is hard to realize how weird everything is right now.

I find myself talking to myself and David the last couple of days (aaaaheemmmm, Joanne!) 

Spending the last couple of days trying to figure out Medicare. I get kicked off David's insurance the end of the month. Insurance is so expensive and confusing when you are old and decrepit and really, really need it. Taken for granted in our youth when we never think about it.

I have to admit I am an art-critic and snob in the fact that sometimes I see artists I knew from so many years ago. Artist that I didn't think were that great back then, just creative and whimsical. And I see their work now and I think "They are still painting that crap?". I know, I am embarrassed to admit that, but it is the truth.

I have been looking through David's clothes. It started when I was folding a bunch of laundry. Started thinking about what to do, or not do with it. I want them to go to good use. He has so many new clothes, not even worn! I tried on some shorts, and picked through some T-shirts. But I was always wearing his T-shirts and ruining them with food stains and olive oil drips. He was never happy about that. One day I had one of his shirts on, gathered it up in front and used it as a big bowl to carry blackberries home. You can only imagine what he had to say about that. ;)

The spider that lives in front of my computer, outside the window has grown to an enormous size. There has been a spider I have been watching for 2+ years and I am wondering if it is the same one. I am looking it up.

Spider lifespan 

The average lifespan of spiders is about a year but it depends on the species. For example, the common barn funnel weaver has a life expectancy of up to 7 years, black widow spiders can live for up to 3 years, wolf spiders can live up to a year, and tarantulas can live anywhere from 10-30 years! Gender is another factor. Females tend to live longer than males. People are probably their biggest threat. Curious cats and dogs can also bring an abrupt end to their life. 

Spider life is a solitary life. Adults do not live in groups or colonies. House spiders are not territorial or aggressive, but living alone gives them better chances of catching enough food without needing to share. They don’t need to eat daily and can survive long periods of time without food, but they will eat often if food is abundant. Spiders do need to drink water, though. They often drink from dew drops, condensation, or other sources like a dripping faucet, leaky appliance, or pet bowl. 

Most of their time is spent waiting. They wait patiently in their webs for a meal. Spinning a web does not take much time or effort for the common house spider, so they will abandon a web that isn’t catching many bugs, moving on to another location. Ideal locations for spider webs are areas where other insects may be found such as in attics and basements near a light, door, window, food, or water source. It was comforting to get back to a routine and pick up the girls from school. Did their dishes, heard about the girls day and pet the dogs. I met their neighbor, Barbara, a very nice woman around my age. She watches her granddaughter during the day and she and Noah are great friends. We talked for quite a long time, sharing similar stories, politics. I warned her about how independent and experimental my grandkids can be. Anyway, I drove away, really enjoying my visit, realizing how lonely I feel right now. She heads up a group of spouses for dementia partners. Very nice and knowledgeable. I think Pixie is also losing her eyesight. I spent too much time looking up Kanye West crap this morning. After watching his insane interview with tucker (change the T for an F) carlson where he announced he would be president some day, among a slew of more stupid shit. 

If you can stomach watching it, here it is. It is sad but interesting watching a mental patient ramble on about his greatness. 

Then I happened upon a video he had taped of himself showing his ridiculous rapping and clothes designs. I like rap, but I have always thought of his as childish and uninspired. His clothes are out of this world, meaning only people on Mars might want to wear them or pay those ridiculous prices for them. On this video he also talks about being "the King of culture" and completely relevant. At which point I spewed coffee out of nose. A mentally ill narcissist, who attacks everyone, especially his ex-wife (who I am not impressed with either), wears "white lives matters" T-shirts and clothes made out of confederate flags. Admits he has never read a book or atlas. Has a bevy of "yes" men circling around him at all times.

And then Stephen Colbert had this great piece last night. 

Then one more funny thing on Twitter this morning. Tulsi announces she is leaving the Democratic party. But wait? Was she ever really a part of the Democratic party? #GoodRiddance is the hashtag on Twitter this morning. 

  Now I need to get busy doing something constructive. ;)


  1. This was on the radio today


  2. I brought home some of my father's clothes when he passed. Men's shirts are square shaped and very comfortable. I'd wear all his tees if I were you. I just sneezed and got snot on the keyboard.........I am so COOL.

    I was talking to someone this morning when I woke up.......I forget who. But it was a good conversation.
    Funny thing- I stop talking to listen to what they say back to me............yeah. CRAZY OLD WOMAN.
    But who is to say it's right or wrong to do it????


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