Tuesday, October 04, 2022

Living on the wild side

I am eating a deep-fried corn dog from the deli. 

Had a good meeting with the funeral home. 

Bri is my bulldog, she twirls me around, points me in the right direction. Goes through all the paperwork. Ask all the hard questions that I forgot to ask. 

I put on actual clothes today and shoes other than my flip-flop Dr. Scholl's. 

I can't seem to sleep. I am thinking about taking the phone off the hook and take a long nap.

Pixie will not settle down. She has no idea where David is and she is his dog.

Neighbors that I have not even met since they moved on the street are bringing me roses. It is very generous and thoughtful.

The kids are moving an extra bed over here in case they want to spend the night. I asked, what will you do with the dogs and they said bring them with. I said, If Murphy destroys David's new grass he will come down from the heavens and throw an unholy fit. (we all giggled)

I had no idea what day it was when I woke up and then realized it was just Tuesday. This all started Sunday and it feels like a month ago. 

I was thinking yesterday, I am so sorry David will not be here to vote all of these assholes out of office.

I found this in David's phone, in notes for Christmas and have a pretty good idea of one of the presents he was planning on for presents - Luxe Tomato Fan Jam Bundle

1 comment:

  1. Kim - O M G!!! I just read your post about David's death and I am in shock right along with you. I am sooo verry sorrry. I wish I could give you a hug - imagine I am - truly. I know I'm only a cyber friend, but reading your blog as long as I have makes me feel like I really do know you. I can't express how very sorry I am. God give you peace and comfort - you and your whole family and little Pixie too! Love, Linda


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