Thursday, October 20, 2022

Dark and smoky seems appropriate

I don't know if it is smoky or foggy. Our area is in really bad shape right now. No, I know it is smoke it just feels as thick as fog. The last two days we have the worst air quality on planet Earth. It is meant to be raining starting tomorrow. The smoke is making the house feel very dark.


I think we have a good idea of what kind of memorial we want to have. BBQ, wine and beer, a good play list of David's favorite music, slideshow. Now we need to find the banquet room. The one I want to rent, you can only use their caterer. Then we can set a date for mid-November. Mason has her memorial speech ready, complete with the Pledge of Allegiance. I need to start going through photos. 

I get my third booster today in about 2 hours. Excited to get that done. 

Bri brought me coffee yesterday, mowed the front AND back yard, pressure-washed the front stairs and driveway for me. I am so lucky to have the kids I have. I really need to get the house winter-proofed and cleaned up before the rains roll in. But with Bri's help, I have a good start.

I think I am signed up for Medicare. It will take time to get all the cards, etc. I almost have all my paperwork signed and ready to go back to HR. Have been making phone calls to all the financial institutions to give them a heads-up. 

I think I am stressing out more  about keeping all the gifted potted-plants alive than anything else this week. I begged Bri to take the ones she likes home. She is good with indoor plants, I am terrible.

I walk around the house that I am trying to understand if it feels like a "home" anymore. Everything I see  has a memory. The floor we picked out, put on lay-away and payed for. The walls we painted, the molding we nailed up, filled holes and painted. The cabinet doors we fought over. The furniture we picked out, moved in and filled up with treasures. It all feels surreal. I still am at the stage where I just walk around and touch piles of stuff I need to make decisions on. Books, clothes, record albums, bobbleheads. I know the kids will help me and I am trying to just take it minute by minute and not get overwhelmed.

Oh, did you happen to catch Our new documentary in partnership with the Associated Press, Michael Flynn's Holy War on Frontline? It was a doocy and Michael Flynn is a EFFING nutjob. 


I have been watching Janet King on Acorn. Senior Prosecutor Janet King returns from maternity leave to confront a high-profile murder, and a conspiracy which will have shocking ramifications throughout the judicial system. 

Okay, off for my booster.


  1. I have been thinking a lot about you alot since you posted about the death of your husband David.

    Do not be in a hurry to dispose of his things take all the time you need to grieve and cry as much and any time you want. You are one of the lucky people to had the love of a lifetime. Most of us are not so lucky.

    Seattle has been on the local news here in Eastern Washington. Besides the smoke from your side the farmers are cultivating their fields dust and of course the chemicals they use when seeding. Plus controlled burning has been allowed. The rain coming will be a blessing for all of us and the firefighters.

    It is so good to hear your family is helping you and you got your powerwasher back. It seems you have a wonderful network of folks that care and are there for you.

    Medicare can be a nightmare. I pay over four hundred dollrs a month for a supplemental policy that medicare does not cover.

    I say yes to the dog.

    Take care

  2. Here is some more crazy shit going on to add to what you post

  3. Thank you so much, Beverly!!! I do very lucky ... although I kissed a lot of frogs before meeting David at 35 ;)
    I know, that is what Bri and I were talking about. Just day by day and take our time.

    I thought it was about to rain today and was so excited. It has still only sprinkled slightly.

    I am sorry about your medicare expense. so I signed up and I guess I will have a little time to see if it covers what I need. Why is it we have health care when we are young and don't need it LOL


  4. ok, I laughed out loud when I read the wall mural piece

    this country has fallen into some deep, dark stupid hole and I hope we can ever dig ourselves out

    I am hoping the older people will die off and people like my grandkids will make the world saner again

  5. We were lucky here in Maine. We signed up for our Medicare cards and then an independent company Martin's Point. It's actually free- no cost to us......we live in the right county as my friend would have to pay. anyway- it covers all medications and some are free and the expensive inhalers are $40 copay. $40 for doctor's visits and the annual visit and shots are always FREE. December is sometimes a bit expensive with the inhalers..

    I don't know what you have around you but I am sure there is a supplemental provider with a good program and benefits. Ask around. People with a good one like to brag and people with a bad one love to complain.


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