Thursday, September 08, 2022

Where did my week go?

Have been busy trying to wrap up my friends book, 300 pages, photos and some poems. Getting the acknowledgement page, etc. just right. Packaging up such a big project always makes me nervous! Will be doing that tomorrow, fingers crossed. 

It was great to see the Obama's in the White House yesterday. Seeing them always gives me renewed hope in our future. After listening to trump/stolen secret documents all week, to hearing Barrack swooning over how lovely his wife is ... is like going from eating a Tootsie Rolls to a splendid Godiva®. Side story, I would buy my mom a box of Godiva® chocolates when I lived in London, and take back to Scotland on the train. Would usually have eaten most of them by the time I arrived home. 

Queen Elizabeth has passed away. I feel terrible about that, but she was 96 and that is to be expected. It will be a big shock in Britain. But I remember a late night breaking news moment when Lady Diana died in Paris, and how devastated I felt. She was so young and the accident was just so unexpected. The next month will be a busy one in Britain, a royal funeral, a coronation. A new King. Oh, it should be interesting to watch.


My friend's girlfriend's mother is dying and is on a feeding tube right now. I think she is having a hard time accepting this. I know, it is  so very hard to watch your mother go. But I was just telling my friend, that more than anything, it is a privilege to be a part of her end and should be celebrated as such. 

The last days have been blue sky, sun-filled, breezy, cool, fall-ish days. I am trying to really appreciate the fact that it is not raining. David is still in pain and not able to do much around the house. I took out the trash yesterday, usually falls on him. But I am sooooo shocked at how little trash we have now the kids are gone. We had ONE trash bag! It use to be almost 2 cans full of trash. And much less recycle.

Speaking of kids. I miss them. We still babysit but the girls are starting school and our schedules will change and be more about collecting them from school and running them home than hanging out here. Mason and I made a quiche the other day. I talk to Matt at least once a day. Try not to bug him too much but it is good to check in and hear about his day at work or what he is cooking up. Bri drops by to have a quick visit every other day. They are busy living their lives. The girls have made lots of new friends in their neighborhood which is a cul-de-sac so they are always outside, playing. Just as it should be.

Looks like Steve Bannon might be heading for jail ;) And maybe trump to follow. What a chaotic mess this last crime family has created in our country. Still can't quite get my head around how it all came to be! If you missed Frontline's Lies, Politics and Democracy ... then it is a must watch. 


 I forgot to mention, Alex Jones has really lost his mind. He belongs IN JAIL! Period. 


Mike Lindell is still promising to have "his evidence" of fraud.  


Menage a treason! LOL 



After all of that nasty talk to politics, must end on a happier note.


  1. how or where did you see the Obamas in the white house?? Loved those pics of the Queen then and now.

  2. They were unveiling the Obama portraits yesterday with the Bidens!


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