Tuesday, September 13, 2022

The child within

IVÁN MONTAÑA and more of his art on Artsy

A little about him here: "Ivan was born into a multifaceted family where culture and art have always been present through literature, music, sculpture, painting, and fashion. He studied at ELISAVA, the Barcelona School of Design and Engineering. At the age of 21, Montaña made his first performance, Conformist without Reflection, and his first solo exhibition at the age of 23, The Spanish Sun, in 1998, since then he has been exhibiting all over the world. 

Montana describes art as being mental, a pure reflection of thought, an emotional, pre-verbal, deep, sensual experience, which goes beyond the truth, a leap into the void that is loaded with complex discoveries, encounters. Guided by the spontaneity of the gesture, Montana uses brushstrokes, the path of the strokes, marked cardboard, organic forms, stains and scratches to create his artworks and narrate a dialogue with memory."


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