Thursday, September 29, 2022

Patterns in life

For once I have nothing to blog about visually. 

Yesterday, while collecting the kids from their respective schools, sitting in a line of cars of parents, I started thinking about the patterns of life. 

There are so many schools in Matt and Bri's new neighborhood, families are thriving, pushing their babies with their neighbors and their new babies, walking to and from to schools. Kids running with their backpacks. These kinds of multi-ethnic neighborhoods are thriving here. 

I was remembering when I volunteered at Matt's school every Monday, picked him up from school at the same time every day, carried him to basketball, soccer practice, later the endless baseball games, and working the "snack shack" every Saturday cooking hot dogs. Everyday was a routine from the time we get out of bed until we do the homework, brush our teeth, read books and jump back into bed. 

Then there is work routine of like. Meeting every Monday. Lunch every day with co-workers. Scrambling to drive home in traffic to arrive in time to get back to the other living in your day. Making sure the laundry was done for baseball practice. Dinner is made. Dishes are done. Kids running in and out of the house. Things that happen day in, day out.

Patterns are a part of life. But that changes in retirement. Does a pattern in life keep you more sane? I have a pattern but it is pretty chaotic. Do whatever I want to do whenever I want to do it. I am not complaining but it does take some time to adjust and learn to be more coherent about what the purpose is to my day.

Today my purpose is to watch Noah and take a friend to go get some new glasses. Work on a funeral program for a friend of mine and beyond that ... it is just up to me. Cleaning should be a priority but it has not been lately.


  1. Yes, to doing whatever you want each day. Somethings HAVE to get done- laundry, food buying, bill paying.
    But everything else.....not. I am thankful to have good neighbors--mostly---food in the fridge, clean clothes- not fashionable but
    comfortable and clean. There are a lot of people who can't say that.........any of that.

    Today I walked down to drop off gardening info for a neighbor and in return I got a delicious cup of microwave tea and the opportunity to pet and talk to an adorable big dog with gentle eyes. It was a Good Day. and I found a good yellow stripe fabric in the closet.......

  2. and YOU have a good attitude XOXOXO


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