Sunday, September 18, 2022

Jurrasic Coast

The Jurassic Coast is a hugely diverse and beautiful landscape underpinned by incredible geology of global importance. In 2001 it was inscribed as a World Heritage Site by UNESCO for the outstanding universal value of its rocks, fossils and landforms. It remains England’s only natural World Heritage Site. 

The Jurassic Coast begins at Orcombe Point in Exmouth, Devon, and continues for 95 miles to Old Harry Rocks, near Swanage, Dorset. This span takes in four distinct geographic regions – East Devon, West Dorset, Weymouth & Portland and Purbeck – each containing their own iconic towns, villages and natural landscapes. 



I finally figured out where the PebbleOfTheDay is searching for pebbles, Holderness coast. I would love to go there. Well, I have wanted to visit the Jussasic Coast, while some of it is still there.


  1. Loving that awesome collection of rocks ...

  2. isn't it something??? I am jealous!! ;)


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