Thursday, September 15, 2022

Charlie Chan or mopping?

It is cold today. Cold enough to turn the heat on. I am running some friends around this morning. 

What I really want to do the rest of the day is curl up on my chair with a blanket and watch old Charlie Chan movies on YouTube

I really need to mop, and vacuum and grocery shop. Pixie needs a bath. I have gardening I need to do. Such a hard decision between being responsible or completely lazy. 

David and I have managed to eat all the left-overs. Brisket from Matt, ribs that David got, roasted chicken that I shared with Pixie. I made sloppy Joes last night with really lean meat and David hates it. The meat taste like cardboard and he just gives me the side-eye. I powered through the pickled Daikon radish  and radishes pretty quickly, I need another quiche, we need dinner ideas.  

It feels impossible that it is Thursday already! Times flies whether you are getting sh*t done or not.


  1. Dinner ideas - good luck with that. I don't need dinner ideas I just need someone to cook ANYTHING F O R ME!! LOL!

  2. HA! me too!
    Trader Joe's as some nice Indian frozen dinners ;) we eat many of them


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