Friday, September 09, 2022

Ah the joys of being pregnant

Pregnant was not a good look on me as it is some women. I know many women and most of my friends LOVED being pregnant. NOT me. Tired, bloated, incessantly peeing, mood swings, nausea, and tender or swollen breasts. I drank a gallon of milk a day to settled my stomach. I threw up all the time. I sucked on grape popsicles and drank lots of grape juice. I think I wore the same pair of pants for 4 months. At the end, nothing made me happy, especially trying to get dressed. 

This is how my brain works. Elizabeth Taylor popped into my head this morning. And I thought "does she have children, I can't remember?" So I googled it. She has 5. Then I thought, I don't think I ever saw photos of her pregnant, I wonder if her ego made her hide away while growing into a whale shape. But I was wrong! She was a vision when she was pregnant. My mom had special outfits made while she was pregnant. They were so elegant. 

But all of this goggling landed me on this: The Evolution of Maternity Style. I am always shocked about how much maternity styles have changed, equally shocked when I see it all "hanging out" ... but that is just ole fuddy-duddy me.

I am stuck on quiche and Daikon radish relish (with carrots and jalapeno) this week. Have gobbled up a big batch of the relish with every meal but man, does it stink up the refrigerator! Think Kimchi but stinkier! I spotted small tubs of crab and shrimp on sale yesterday at the store (I am sure, previously frozen, quick sale for $5 and $3). I grabbed them thinking David might like something a little different. I just nibbled on mine as an appetizer. David made an Asian noodle dish with the crab. Anyway, it was nice to have something a little different without a lot of work. 

I think David is going to try driving today. Getting a little stronger every day. 

We must have smoke in the air because the sun has a red glow to it today. Early morning sky looked very orange. (I was right).

I love that Prue Leith on The Great British Bake off always looks so very chic. Older woman CAN be hip, colorful and cool. But this stuff does not come cheap.

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