Tuesday, August 30, 2022

What's for dinner?

I am not a creature of habit, but I love it when people around me are. 

Mom would cook beans every Monday. We would have beans and cornbread. For as long as I can remember. Then Tuesday we would have tacos, with refried beans from the left-over beans. 

All that talk about food today made me hungry and I wanted pinto beans. But I had a bag of these beautiful Trout Beans, Idaho Heirloom Beans and David thought we should cook those instead. I made too many so I gave Matt half when he was here to collect the grandkids. 


I remember, if mom had garlic going a little old, she would cut the lid off, pour some olive oil over them, cover in foil and bake. Basically garlic butter. Matt's absolute favorite. 


It is peach season so I have been making my favorite peach treat. Cut a peach in half, cook it meat down in a skillet until brown. (Make sure it is ripe, the other day I mangled one cutting it in half because it was not ripe.) Cover in Gorgonzola cheese, sprinkle with granola and drizzle with honey. I remember the day mom had had that at lunch, ran home to make us more. So special. The recipe I found also has balsamic vinegar, might have to try that too.

I was so spoiled to have my mom cooking for me for so many years. I miss my mom cooking. 

When I was at the store getting some more onions for the beans, I noticed this woman about my age really staring at my legs. It made me a little uncomfortable. Then later I looked down and thought, Jeezzz, I really should not wear shorts with these white, horrible legs. Maybe she was justified in staring. Thankfully, we do not have many hot days that require me to wear the only pair of shorts I own.


  1. Do those trout beans taste as good as that picture looks? - who'd a thought a bean could look so pretty but it does. Decluttering I found a book called Heirloom Beans from Rancho Gordo. I've never made beans from dried - your post and that book may have inspired me to try it. :-)

  2. The trout beans are beautiful but they lose that color when soaking overnight ;( They cooked up very quickly and were not firm like pinto beans, a little mushy ... but they tasted delicious.
    Isn't that funny, I bought those beans solely on the fact that I thought they are so lovely! David wanted me to cook them, I really wanted just to put them in a jar to look at. Good luck. Trust me, I am a horrible cook, but have always had luck cooking beans.

  3. Missed this reference the first time around - your white legs and my venous insufficiency legs that look like patches of brown spots all over my lower legs - ugh - not sure which is worse - it's always something eh?


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