Tuesday, August 23, 2022

Funday Monday

Bri dropped the girls off yesterday with a warning ... she was completely disgusted with their behavior. 

It was Funday Monday with the girls and ended up being fun. I was ready to have a horrible day after my morning talk with Bri. They were NOT allowed any devices because of the last two days of hell.

While having my coffee, I helped Mason navigate the computer, learn how to use the mouse and google "funny puppy videos". Noah pulled up a chair and they sat together for a couple of minutes before pushing each other and starting to fight. I talked them out of that, then Mason spotted my camera and I showed her how to turn it on, focus, take photos and view them. So she and Noah spend a little time experimenting with that. 

Then I decided we would take a road trip to Flower World in Maltby. It is huge, walkable, hot and I thought we could spend some quality time making them tired (and me!). Mason ran around completely taken with all plants, discovered some turtles in the little water features. I pulled Noah around in a wagon. We all starting sweating because it was so humid in the expanded hot houses. 

Mason decided she wanted to buy her mom a new Rubber plant as a gift. A peace offering for being so bad the last couple of days. She also wanted a couple of succulents for herself. We left with lots of plants. I let them run around out-of-sight for minutes of freedom for them. 

I told Mason to keep on eye open for Queen Anne's lace, all free for the picking on the side of the road out in the middle of the countryside. I pulled over and she jumped out to grab a few. She said she got one for her flower press. I was impressed she remember the flower press. 

Then we passed the Maltby Cafe where they decided they wanted to eat a late lunch. Mason wanted a Shirley Temple. 

Noah announced loudly she had a story to tell about a ‘ghost’ in my basement. Noah and her cute speech impediment, you just can't help but be completely engaged! 

Noah picked through he grilled cheese, Mason and I shared a huge hamburger, listen to stories. A good lunch. 

Then a trip to the grocery store where we (Mason) wanted a cheesecake and Noah wanted orange Halloween cookies. Mason bought a sweet card for her mom and dad because she had not been on her best behavior the day before. She picked the perfect card of pressed flowers. I laughed and said, "what they don't have a card that says SORRY FOR BEING A HORRIBLE CHILD?". Mason: "Memaw!". I laughed and said we could probably make a fortune if we came up with a series of cards like that. And the sales woman and I had a good laugh. We bought tons of stuff I didn't need. 

At the check-out, discovered my wallet was gone. Ran to the car to get it, leaving the kids at the check-out for a minute. I found I had dropped my wallet right outside of the car, and there it was on the ground! Untouched! 

I told the check-out clerk, "I thought about NOT coming back" and we all had a good laugh. I was going to take them to the water park here at Edmonds City Park, but by that time Matt called and asked if I would bring them home instead of him driving here. We were so close to their house, we just headed straight there. Unloaded all of their booty ... and Mason settled down writing her mom and dad an apology not in her card. 

I know sometimes I am so perplexed by the girls, and resort to yelling at them because they are uncontrollable when fighting with each other. I was determined to keep them so busy that they would NOT fight. We did have one incident of hitting and scratching in the car but thankfully it did not last long. Thinking if their last few days had just been filled with bad behavior and getting in trouble, maybe we could turn around today!

One of their biggest obstacles is they are sooooo freaking smart, bright and savvy.  Mason took tons of photos. We had a  good day with lots of talking, stories, interaction, good behavior. It was a success. I am hoping it carries over to today with mom! I know my grandmothers were sometimes my salvation, they were calm, funny, indulgent and I always felt safe to be a kid with them.



  1. Beautiful photos and funfilled day what an amazing grandma you are.

    My sons six years apart sure had days of fighting each other . Once the grew up and became adults that changed. They roomed together during college days and did really have a bond of brotherly love. My youngest son disappeared on us for many years and my oldest son and I finally connected with him and it was the best thing that ever happened for us. Sadly for us he passed away seven years ago in a tragic accident. I would love to hear their bickering today. hold them close

  2. Thank you for that Beverly! I am so very sorry to hear about your son. I will pass along words of encouragement for the future to my D-I-L. I think she gets depressed about it and my son just doesn't seem to have the patience anymore for the fighting.

    Hold them closer ... that is the important reminder!!!


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