Tuesday, August 09, 2022

Deep cleaning

How do you clean your home? And, what’s your version of a thorough cleaning? Today, we’re going back to basics with Rajiv Surendra, where he shares his tips + tricks on how to properly deep-clean your space. 

I totally agree about washing the floors by hand, I used to do it all the time, when I could bend down and get back up easily. Deep clean to also means cleaning the baseboards, taking the fans apart and cleaning the dust from them, cleaning beadboard cabinet doors and ledge with toothbrush and borax. Also cleaning all windows. 

Dusting all the do-dad artifacts and vials of sand. Cleaning all lamps. Wash all bowls of rocks, every beautiful rock collection deserves to be dust-free.

I soak vent hood screens in borax to get rid of grease.

Clean all glass of framed art.

And yes, the house does smile back at me.

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