Monday, August 29, 2022

Debbie downer here again

I hate to point out the depressing news ... rivers are drying up in Europe.Thames headwaters drying up, the Danube, major rivers in Paris and the Po River in Italy. Pakistan is flooding displacing 33 million residence. Lake Mead and Lake Powell are at all-time lows and A-list celebrities in CA are using more water than they are alloted (God forbid they don't have their f*cking swimming pools and green grass). Northern Mexico rationing water. Texas is in drought conditions, except in Dallas where they had terrible flooding the other day. Mississippi is continuing to flood. Not to even mentions the fires in Portugal and Spain. I try to keep abreast of the disasters but boy, it is scary and depressing. Would love to ignore it, but I can't. Feels like disasters are just around the corner, food shortages around the world to name one. I have said it before, we don't deserve this amazing planet we have. We need to put on our big boy pants and cope with this, I completely include me in this call for action! I could do much better.








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