Sunday, August 21, 2022

Bad passenger behavior

When I worked for the airlines, I heard all of these excuses, heard all of these complaints, meet at least all of these people at lease once. The "my meds on in my bags", "my daughter is home alone" ... 

When passengers yelled at me they would never fly with us again, I would click away on the keyboard and say, "done, you can never fly with us again". 

Being nice, patient and reasonable can take you a long way in an airport. Screaming and arguing will get you kick right out. I only denied a few people boarding.

When there was bad weather and the passengers gets mad because the pilot does not want to fly in the bad weather, I would just laugh and say, if the pilot does not want to fly in this, you certainly do not want to fly in it! 

I would not want to sit beside anyone acting irrationally or expose an entire flight to some crazy-acting passenger. 

But I can tell you I learned so much working at the airline, learned patience and resourcefulness. It was a great job. Lots more hilarious behavior here.




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