Tuesday, July 05, 2022

Violins, cellos and oboes, oh my

When David first looked through my music, he said he had never seen anyone who owned so many copies of Vivaldi Four Seasons. Sometimes I forgot how much I love my favorite classics. I listened to them so many times that I can let my mind dance over every note as through I could play it myself.







 When I need a good cry, I listen to Gabriel's Oboe. Do not ask me why this is so emotional for me.


And then there is a cello version. 

“Music is the one incorporeal entrance into the higher world of knowledge which comprehends mankind, but which mankind cannot comprehend.”


  1. Your post just underscores the amount of respect and admiration I have for musicians... loved this little diversion in my day. :-)

  2. YES! When I run across or listen to these, I think "why don't I listen to this all day long instead of reading twitter?" ... it really just brings joy in my brain and a sense of well-being. The added bonus is that when you listen to stuff all of your life and know each note, they just feel like visiting old friends that love you


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