Monday, July 18, 2022

Sunsets from Edmonds WA in the time of Covid

We live in a beautiful area, on the Puget Sound, with the Olympic mountains in our views 

 Roger at Sunset of the Pandemic gives you an idea of how wonderful the sunsets are. 

A direct action charity dedicated to supporting Edmonds Food Bank and other Edmonds Charities (in case you were wondering)


  1. I envy you living in Washington - I follow another blogger from Washington and her garden photos she shares are spectacular. The photos she shares of her neighborhood as well as the walking treks in some park with this big waterfall (hope I got that right) she takes makes me just want to be there too... feels so different from my Midwestern surroundings - and the water - would love to live close to water. sigh

  2. Washington only came to my attention due to the Mount St. Helens eruption - that was really something.

  3. Who is the blogger? I wonder what town she lives in.
    I think we were lucky to end up here. Moved here from SF and I was dubious at first. So much grey and rain, but I got accustomed to it, especially since I don't do well in the heat.


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