Saturday, July 02, 2022

Shith*le country passports available to MAGA members

Congratulations to #RonDeSatis and #DonaldTrump for turning our country into a SHITH*LE country. We, as a nation are f*cked. This "Make America Great Again" agenda is taking shape, Don't Say Gay laws in Florida, overturning Roe v Wade, and you know they will be taking on gays rights and marriage. It makes me sick to my stomach. 

 "When it comes to America’s descent into a dystopian hellscape, most people have probably spent the last several weeks focused on things like the ongoing revelations from the January 6 committee regarding Donald Trump’s attempt to overturn democracy, and decisions from the Supreme Court ruling that there’s no more separation of church and state, women don’t have rights, and coal companies can kill us all. (To say nothing of the fact that, next term, they may make it legal for Republicans to steal elections.) But it’s important to remember that Trump and the high court’s christofascists aren’t the only people we need to worry about. There are also elected officials like Ron DeSantis, who has a not-insignificant chance of becoming president in 2024. Like Trump, the Florida governor takes immense pride in being a bully; he bullied the Special Olympics, he bullied Disney, he bullies anyone who disagrees with him, and in the words of one of his college teammates to The New Yorker: “Ron is the most selfish person I have ever interacted with. He has always loved embarrassing and humiliating people. I’m speaking for others—he was the biggest dick we knew.” 

What might the country look like should DeSantis ascend to the White House? In a word: scary. In three words: really fucking scary. In 20 words: It’ll be the kind of place where teachers are warned not to display rainbow flags for fear of being prosecuted." From Vanity Fair

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