Thursday, July 07, 2022

Dumping my thoughts right here

Sorry about my rant yesterday. I am not taking it down. It made me feel good to put that story out there in the universe. My belief is that someone who made the family miserable for so many years, should be shamed. This blog has become the dumping ground of my thoughts, good and bad, seems like the perfect setting. Speaking of the bad, David just read me a WP story where trump is now charging his cult to come to his rallies. The former president makes millions appearing at events that resemble his political rallies

My question is: Where do these people get all of this extra money to go to every rally. Drive or fly across the U.S.? Donate to his grift? I find it perplexing! When is that asshole going to jail for trying to overthrow a legitimate election? As David reminds me everyday while reading these stories "we are f*cked".

"Owens, a 53-year-old nurse, bought a pair of VIP tickets for $800. She wasn’t clear on where the money was going — nor did she care. 

“I really wanted to do my part in contributing to where he can keep doing what he’s doing, traveling around,” Owens said. “I know he probably doesn’t need financial help by any means, but just to do my part in supporting him because I believe in what he’s doing.”

In fact, the fees aren’t going to Trump’s political action committee, his $100 million war chest. This event was not a Trump rally, where attendance is free. 

Instead, it was a for-profit show, more like a rock concert. The proceeds benefit Trump personally as part of a multimillion dollar deal to speak at the events, according to two people familiar with the matter who spoke on the condition of anonymity to discuss private conversations."

I feel fat and bloated this morning. I purchased an industrial-size jar of black olives (at Costco) and decided I had to find something to do with them. Black olive hummus. And while the Cuisinart out I also make black bean hummus. After all the test-tasting and eating for real ... gosh, I was stuffed! I think I am sticking with coffee and yogurt this morning. Still can't decide if I really like the black olive hummus.

After we hired the guys to pull ALL weeds and lay new soil, fertilizer, amendment, etc. David reseeded the backyard. I am instructed NOT to walk on it, not even look at it for a month. Dogs are not allowed here. And luckily it has been lightly raining at least once a day since. 

I want to take a drive to the country and collect a bunch of interesting weeds to photograph. I found my cameras and revived the battery packs. Trying to learn how to operate the camera again! I miss being creative but don't know how to force myself back into it.

The kids are going to Lake Chelan next week and since the dogs can not come over while the backyard is growing new grass, I will go there. I hate that I am always the person house/dog sitting and not the one going somewhere. BUT most of the people I know that have been traveling have all come home with Covid! My neighbors who just went to SFO announced on FB that they have Covid. The friends we were suppose to spend the 4th with, their S-I-L who just returned from a Mexico vacation came home with Covid. So before, I did not know anyone with Covid, now it feels like everyone I know HAS it. I will continue to basically stay home and away from people. I do go to the grocery store, run in and out masked up. The one time I forgot to grab the mask, and realized mid-aisle that I was without, almost freaked out. Shoved my face into my sweatshirt and hurried out of there. Of course, hardly anyone had a mask on Although 50% of shoppers in Edmonds all have on mask. Most of them are elderly, like me.

I have been cleaning the laundry area in the basement. I think I just vacuumed up 10 years of dog hair. I have mopped numerous times with bleach and scrubber on the black and white tile. It is looking sparkling clean now. Just basic living dirt on the walls, doors and door moldings, but those need to be cleaned as well. I am constantly cleaning, wiping down door moldings. Working my way to the art studio, which is pretty much a big mess/dumping ground of everyone's crap. My goal, to get my art studio back. But I could not get past the messy floor, so that had to be first. My belief is: the place where you wash your clothes should be the cleanest area.

I need a new utility sink, ours has seen 30 years of abuse.


  1. can I just say I've never been to a Costco?... I think I'm the only one in the world, but it's always been JUST ME (not counting those 7 years I was married - LOL) - think I feel a bit of FOMO.

  2. just think, you save $200 of industrial-size-everything ... every time you DON'T go there! I hardly ever go because I end up buying too much stuff. They have great deals on veggies, like lettuce and coffee but then there are the long check-out lines.


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