Wednesday, July 20, 2022

Debbie Downer

Yes, I am a Debbie Downer. I wonder what will happen when Lake Mead completely dries up? How will they fill up their swimming pools? Maintain elaborate fountains in Las Vegas? Water their grounds? (this is all said in just). I saw a story yesterday where one of those Kardashian had used 245% more of her allotted water? I am hoping that came with a hefty fine.

A friend was over yesterday and we ended up talking about the state of this mess in the world. Her son does not want to have any children because the state of the world. I can't blame him ... it makes her sad. 

You can't escape natural disasters happening around the world on a daily basis. Fires in Australia, Spain, France; heat in Europe; flooding in India, Germany, Japan. How many more red flags do we need to hit us in the head before we realize we are in serious trouble and for politicians to wake up to our dire future. "Our" being the world.




This is such a distressing and inspiring video




  1. My two adult children decided as young adults- no marriage and definitely no children.
    They both live alone.

  2. I don't blame them. But it does make me sad. I can say if I were a young person, I would choose not to have kids right now.


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