Thursday, July 07, 2022

Bold, Bright and Colourful

Chloe Watts is an illustrator and animator based in Manchester, UK. Her illustrations are splashed with vibrant colour and elevated by the patterns she draws. Her illustrations are an expressive display of her feelings and it acts as a rather cathartic release. She is a recent art school graduate. Her Instagram.

I love this laser-cut sculpture. Notes from the artist about her art process.

Following on from a rather intense 5 months of perpetual drawing, I felt burnt out, and was completely unsure of how to utilise the last 8 week project of the course- Unit X. I eventually decided to create a publication that I could have given to my younger and poorly self. Alongside this, I ventured into creating in a 3D way, which was something I had never done before.

I found out very quickly that my illustrative style lends itself very well to interlocking shapes. I utilised this knowledge to develop a series of figures. I was also commissioned by the Vertical Gallery team to take my figures and scale them up. These versions were only four inches shorter than me! The process of making the large-scale pieces was long and laborious but the outcome made it feel well worth it.




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