Saturday, July 16, 2022

Back home

I am  back from watching the dogs. Read a bunch of news stories about Bannon, trumps, flynn and the entire cabal of idiots. Did some cleaning, sweeping but mainly feeding dogs, making sure the puppy goes outside every couple of hours and watch stupid TV. Found two vapid shows I could even make it through 2 minutes on Netflix, Selling Sunset and Bling Empire. But also watched many good ones.

I think the posters tell the whole story. Which is not worth the cost of the printing or paper.

Found this bikini for $400! What a steal.

Murphy is such a gentle giant and hates to be left at home. He stays at the front window longingly looking for his family to return.
Here  is what I see when I try to eat an Oreo.

Sometimes he sleeps like this

Remi, the puppy just chews on him all day. I protect him from her and he snuggles close to me for protection. Her entire head can fit in his mouth. She is a little terror.

It must be low tide because Edmonds smells like dead fish. 
Did you hear that Ivana did not have an heart attack but conveniently "fell down" a couple of flights of stairs days before the trump's were scheduled to testify? What a coincidence.
The kids got back and the girls told me about their adventures in loud voices at the same time. LOL. They had lots of fun at Lake Chelan, the water park and the kayaks at the lake. And now I am glad to be home.


  1. Yowza!!! - that is some major gigantic dog!!! Wouldn't want to clean up after him! LOL!
    Animal pics are cheering me up today because I had to say goodbye to one of my cats yesterday... sniff.

  2. Oh no, LindaSonia!!! I am soooo very sorry! That is the hardest loss.

    That dog poops are massive and I do not envy that cleaning up BUT I did warn them over and over. He has such a large body mass, that the shedding, the dirty paw prints and especially the drool!
    But he is so adorable that I do start to overlook those "minor" annoyances ;)
    I just could not do it myself.
    I am so very sorry!


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