Thursday, June 02, 2022

What they said!

Catching up my ranting!

I have mentioned this before. I grew up hearing from my father's side of the family, especially the (absent) dad, that "they are coming after our guns, we need to be able to protect ourselves, we have a right to have all of these firearms to protect ourselves." As a little kid, I would ask "protect yourselves from what"?  As a teenager, I think I laughed at them, considering they literally had arsenals of guns locked up and kept buying more and more? And guess what? No one ever knocked on their door asking for one f*cking gun. So the whole "they are coming for our guns" argument falls flat with me.

Of course, this side of the family, the trump-loving-side, the one I dropped like a hot potato when they told me "give trump a chance", "he is going to be great" ... yeah, right. Let's never speak again, and we haven't. I learned early on, don't engage with the crazy-insurgent-traitors because you will lose your mind trying to make sense of their non-sense.

After 4 years of seeing red all day and crying myself to sleep because of that huge orange assh*le and now with 1+ years of listening to the far-right nutjobs losing their minds trying to crawl up trump's butt for an endorsements ... I frankly did not think I could get any angrier. I have lived at a DefCOM one for many years now. But YES, I find myself even madder? more mad? more angry? What is the verbiage? So, it makes me feel more sane when I am NOT THE ONLY ONE. I mean, David rants with me but many of my friends are not on the same anger spectrum and frankly, it makes me feel a little lonely, a bit crazy. And now we have MORE DEAD kids and the right-wing could care less. It is all about protecting life until the life is actually ALIVE in schools and then they could care less.

Dee Mallon over at Pattern and Outrage has something to say - Color Me Grey — A Lament 

Good stuff from Ellen's head - yes, the problem IS the guns and F*cking Cowards:  

"So how have our political leaders reacted? Texas governor Greg Abbott said tougher gun laws are not a solution* and it could have been worse. What is worse than parents having to give DNA samples in order to identify the mangled bodies of their children? At a press conference yesterday Beto O'Rourke, who is running against Abbott for governor confronted him, Texas Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick, Texas senator Ted Cruz (who thinks limiting the number of doors in schools is a solution), and the Uvalde mayor blaming Abbott (who last year signed 7 new laws making it easier for people to buy a gun) for this mess, “this is on you and until you do something it will continue to happen”. They called Beto an SOB and escorted him out" 

"This nation, so filled with hate and violent rhetoric and guns, doesn't even have the moral conviction to protect its children. We love our guns more than we love our children and the very people who prevent any restrictions on acquiring guns and gun ownership will stand up and claim that this is the best country in the world. The best country in the world asked parents for DNA samples in order to identify their dead children."

Jimmy Kimmel, forgoing his usual monologue to speak about another mass shooting in The United States of Guns: "Here we are again, on another day of mourning in this country. Once again, we grieve for the little boys and girls whose lives have been ended and whose families have been destroyed. While our leaders on the right—the Americans in Congress and at Fox News and these other outlets—warn us not to politicize this, they immediately criticize our President for even speaking about doing something to stop it, because they don't want to speak about it. Because they know what they've done and they know what they haven't done, and they know that it's indefensible. So they'd rather sweep this under the rug. [They] aren't listening to us. They're listening to the NRA. They're listening to the people who write them checks, who keep them in power because that's the way politics work. That's the idea we settle on, that's what we tell ourselves, but it doesn't have to be that way. Not for this. This is a time to be loud—and to stay loud—and not stop until we fix this. Some people say this is a mental health problem. Others say it's a gun problem. It is both, and it can be both. So let's work on both of those. So if you care about this—and we all do, doesn't matter what party we vote for, we all care about this—we need to make sure that we do everything we can ... to make sure that unless they do something drastic that let's make sure that not one of any of these politicians ever holds office again." 

Anyone in public offers who expresses their grief and offers their prayers and then does not one thing about guns, needs to be voted out of office permanently. 

Angie at The ThreadCatcher is talking for me! Thank you!

So I thank you guys for making me feel that my rage is justified. I feel we are going down the wrong path in this country and nearly losing it all to the extremist.

1 comment:

  1. I am so angry---and sad---but SO ANGRY! I'm avoiding family as much as possible because I'm sick of their lame rhetoric!!


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